Why do I need to be afraid of hedgehogs?
Although hedgehogs and prickly, but many people are still trying to get them on your hands, pat, feed, look at the funny little face... Here are just a few people know that hedgehogs are a few surprises for the man, which we discuss in this article.
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Infection with rabies
It looks very cute hedgehogs and beautiful animals, but it is necessary to understand that it is still wild animals and their vaccination nobody does. Therefore, they can carry a variety of diseases, including rabies.
Hedgehog is a small, but very sharp teeth and loves to bite, to be touched, so be careful. This year, Russia has been a few cases of rabies infection is from a hedgehog.
Worms and encephalitis mites
As a result of recent studies have found as many as 28 (!) Types of worms that carry urchins, so the probability of being infected by a hedgehog helmintosis very large.
And in the spring on a hedgehog needles can be tens of mites, as he always crawls through the grass. Taking such a hedgehog on hands (even with gloves), it is likely that a couple of these ticks will appear on your clothes, and then the body.
Do you like hedgehogs? Certainly, most of the readers of this article took a hedgehog in the hands, arms wrapping cloth or clothing. I hope that you will not catch anything!