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How to prepare for winter peonies to the following year was a delight from flowering!

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My favorite bush. photo by the author
My favorite bush. photo by the author

According to the signs than abundant flowering peony - the better health of the owners of the flower and his family. This is associated with the legend of the appearance of plants associated with the ancient Greek physician named Peony.

True or not - I do not know. But I know for myself: luxurious blooming peony leaves no one indifferent! Let it fleetingly, but is remembered for a whole year.

AND improve the appearance of the pion and flowering the following year may proper care in the autumn. Not to mention the fact that a little work in the garden will give the plant to survive the cold winter without loss.

Therefore, we take in the fragrant cup of tea, read the publication before the end, apply boards (or at least one of them) and see the results of their work for next summer! To avoid losing information, you can save the article on his page in the social network).

Work in a flower bed

Luxury blooming peonies - it's always a little holiday
Luxury blooming peonies - it's always a little holiday

What to do with the land? Nothing unusual. Carefully proryhlit without fanaticism by all the roots of weeds. Weeding significantly simplify spring care. The main thing is not to touch himself bush, so as not to damage the resumption of the kidney.

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If you use mulch in your garden, the autumn - it's time to replace the layer. It is not known how many bacteria, fungi and pests could accumulate inside during the summer. And for those who only ponders the mulch, remember: a suitable thickness for the pion - 5-7 cm.

Whether it is necessary to feed the peony under the winter, and why?

Lovely cottage flower garden
Lovely cottage flower garden

Fertilizing peony pursues two objectives - to remedy the lack of nutrients in the soil (and he will in any, when rastyushka long encouraged the flowering of sitting in the same place in the garden) and help mature young shoots.

Therefore, the "heroes" of autumn - potassium and phosphorus. You can make kaliymagneziyu and superphosphate (or any other analogues), and more complex mineral fertilizers marked "Autumn." People with purchased alternative means - vegetable ash (from the incineration of wood or, for example, potato leaves), and bone meal.

But. If you are already fed up by peony root after flowering you can relax. Most likely, Bush has got what he wanted. And you can wait deserved bloom with a clear conscience!

The nuances of the shelter for the winter and pruning

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I am pleased to each subscriber! New and interesting articles - every day! Get them first

Do harbor peonies for winter? Yes, if you "Tiny" 1-2 years from planting. Then in the middle lane, in any case, is not necessary. Gardeners who live in regions with a harsh climate, know themselves as winter peonies them. The main thing is never to create a greenhouse - it is better to zamulchirovat humus or throw a couple of branches of pine lapnika.

And now the most interesting question: cut peonies for winter or not? It is important not to touch the bush until the autumn. And what to do now? There are two points of view:

  • Rotting shoots - a haven of pests and pathogens. It is necessary to cut everything.
  • The old foliage - an excellent organic fertilizer. And it will protect the roots from frost, as mulch.

Where is the truth? Cut flower after the first frostIf there are pests / disease, or you do not like to look at the fading shoots. But leave the stumps, so they delayed the snow, creating a thermal protection against frost. For the plant itself is not much of a difference - not only to cut ahead of time. Helpful? Please put "Thumbs up!"

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