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It will definitely come in handy in life! Here are 3 simple but reliable knots for tying two ropes

It will definitely come in handy in life! Here are 3 simple but reliable knots for tying two ropes

simple but reliable knots for tying two ropes togetherOn the farm, during construction work, or j...

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Saw an old carpenter make a simple witty connection. Took a note!

Saw an old carpenter make a simple witty connection. Took a note!

How to make a simple but reliable joinery joint?Recently I went to visit my friend, the carpenter...

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I made a clever trap and now there are no biting gadflies and horseflies on my site!

I made a clever trap and now there are no biting gadflies and horseflies on my site!

How to get rid of biting gadflies and horseflies?In early summer, when the sun is already very ho...

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I showed my neighbor how to cut glass correctly. Now he thanks me!

I showed my neighbor how to cut glass correctly. Now he thanks me!

Once, passing by a neighbor's house, I heard a lot of "flattering" words addressed to someone. I ...

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A familiar auto electrician showed a simple but reliable way to connect stranded wires

A familiar auto electrician showed a simple but reliable way to connect stranded wires

How to securely connect stranded (stranded) wires?Automotive wiring uses copper stranded or, as t...

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I thought for a long time how best to raise the materials on the roof, but then I made a loop using an ordinary nut

I thought for a long time how best to raise the materials on the roof, but then I made a loop using an ordinary nut

Simple yet secure nut hinge for work at heightI decided to close the roof on the garage this year...

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Do not throw away old metal blades! I share ideas of useful homemade products for the workshop

Do not throw away old metal blades! I share ideas of useful homemade products for the workshop

What can be done from old canvases for metal?Almost every home craftsman has such an irreplaceabl...

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A neighbor suggested a clever way to water flowers when no one is home

A neighbor suggested a clever way to water flowers when no one is home

how to water flowers when no one is home?Once my wife and I were going to go to rest with my pare...

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I have not bought plastic ties for a long time, because their analog can be made for free in a couple of minutes!

I have not bought plastic ties for a long time, because their analog can be made for free in a couple of minutes!

plastic ties (clamps)There are times when in a private house or in the country you need to quickl...

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Now flies never fly into my house! A simple way to get rid of flies for good

Now flies never fly into my house! A simple way to get rid of flies for good

How to get rid of flies in a house or apartment forever?With the arrival of spring, as soon as th...

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Not everyone knows how to quickly and easily sharpen a hacksaw with a file.

Not everyone knows how to quickly and easily sharpen a hacksaw with a file.

hacksaw for woodHello everyone! Finally, the long-awaited spring has come and many of us decided ...

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We DO NOT flee from mosquitoes in open areas. Mosquito killer Mosquito Magnet Patriot

We DO NOT flee from mosquitoes in open areas. Mosquito killer Mosquito Magnet Patriot

Model Mosquito Magnet Patriot, designed to protect against mosquitoes and stinging blood-sucking ...

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