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Our find: a fast way to process tomatoes

We don't like pickled and salted tomatoes very much. It makes no sense to procure a lot of jars. ...

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They gave me seeds of Minusinsk tomatoes. What miracle am I waiting for?

There are many cities in Russia, many varieties of tomatoes, and Minusinsk tomatoes are a legend....

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A friend in just a week sold an apartment profitably and bought a new one. I tell you how he managed to do everything so quickly

A friend in just a week sold an apartment profitably and bought a new one. I tell you how he managed to do everything so quickly

It so happened that my friend had to move urgently. Received a lucrative job offer. He, of course...

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The tale of the old shovel

The tale of the old shovel

There lived an old shovel in a barn. So old that everyone got used to her and did not pay much at...

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Winter crops "on the first ice" - like this

Literally the words “on the first ice” mean that:You have prepared the seed furrows in advanceAs ...

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Does the paint stain? Did you screw up while preparing the wall?

Thrifty customers have one disease.In an attempt to save money, they order only part of the work:...

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Sedum purple - just a magician

Sedum purple - just a magician

I saw purple sedum near the roads, I thought it was just unpretentious and interesting. It never ...

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Noise insulation of the floor. Working with a respirator, styling problems, fear of failure, and other "fun" in my work.

Noise insulation of the floor. Working with a respirator, styling problems, fear of failure, and other "fun" in my work.

Each time a new job piques my interest, and I am eagerly starting it. And even when you scratch y...

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Is it realistic to get a free forest that every Russian is entitled to?

Do you remember how Ostap Bender in the works of Ilf and Petrov used to say "These are all fairy ...

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The Japanese invented the $ 99 CFRP ladder

Japan is an amazing country: there is not a single significant resource (other than human), but t...

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An elegant and cheap way to get rid of condensate on cold water pipes

An elegant and cheap way to get rid of condensate on cold water pipes

If you are reading this article, then I already... tired of telling customers why cold water pipe...

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Nasturtium - aka capuchin - to love or forget

The neighbors had a goat. I ate everything that grows. Flowers in the first place, if caught. The...

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