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How were the pillars treated in Russia so that the bottom would not rot?

Hello to everyone interested in construction! Remember, in history books and in films, an ancient...

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I decided to set fire to EPS and regular foam 🔥. Are such materials really non-combustible?

I decided to set fire to EPS and regular foam 🔥. Are such materials really non-combustible?

The flammability of building materials is of great importance, especially when it is used in larg...

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Before insulating the roof, I decided to start overlapping. The reasons for this decision, and the first steps.

I didn’t understand before, why are these ropes under the insulation? The time has come, and I am...

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They say that after a while you need to tighten the screws. I checked the roof a year later, and made conclusions.

They say that after a while you need to tighten the screws. I checked the roof a year later, and made conclusions.

To build a house with your own hands is part of the matter, but to serve for many years is anothe...

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I couldn't grow parsnips. Found a reason

I couldn't grow parsnips. Found a reason

Every time my seeds were as fresh as possible, but they did not sprout. I thought on the ground t...

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Why did wooden palisades never rot in Russia?

Hello to everyone interested in construction! Remember, in history books and in films, an ancient...

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Small spool but precious. Showed what building stores profit from

Small spool but precious. Showed what building stores profit from

Recently I bought a cable skirting board in a construction hypermarket closest to my house, and o...

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The most budgetary way (1,000 rubles) to get rid of the prying eyes of neighbors 👀

For a long time we had an open fence (netting) from the side of the garden alley. And given that ...

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I share the joy of shopping and give something to everyone

It so happened that at first I killed the evening on one wholesale site. There I could buy some m...

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The screwdriver seemed to be broken, and this is just my carelessness 🤦‍♂️. What made me go over a working tool?

The screwdriver seemed to be broken, and this is just my carelessness 🤦‍♂️. What made me go over a working tool?

As they say, "all ingenious is simple"? That's how it happened with me. When you start to "reinve...

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What to do with green tomatoes? Are they poisonous?

Tomatoes are harvested, green tomatoes are in boxes. They say you can't eat them, the poison is t...

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A friend advised to unscrew the broken light bulb with potatoes. Checking if this strange life hack works or not

A friend advised to unscrew the broken light bulb with potatoes. Checking if this strange life hack works or not

Once we were at a friend's dacha and broke a light bulb in a carrier. Now, he says, I’ll bring th...

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